Sunday, May 22, 2011

Giants vs. Padres

Today was the first game in the tournament for Tustin Eastern Little League (Nick's league) and Tustin Western Little League. Both teams were playing their best defensive games. The Padres scored 2 runs before the 3rd inning and the Giants could not score. In the 5th inning, the Giants (Nick's team) scored 5 runs, (a mercy inning) with 0 outs.  Giants kept up the defense and the Padres were only granted one more run in the top of the 6th. Giants won 5-3. Thank goodness for that spectacular inning, which by the way, started out with Nick hitting a double, and the rest is history.  That's my boy :-)

Was Nick afraid of getting hit when arriving at second? What's up with his tipping of the helmet?

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