Friday, February 25, 2011

Baseball season has begun

Yes, it is that time again. Time to give up my life, or what little I did have, so that I could shuttle Nick from this practice to that practice, to the batting cages, then onto the Saturday games. As much as I enjoy the the social aspects, competition and the joy Nick receives, it is hard to squeeze in time for the girls, let alone grocery shopping, cooking, homework, etc. Luckily, Nick is on the same team as his best friend and other close friend. I have known the mothers of these boys since they were three years old. Hopefully, this season we can take turns with the shuttling. Practices are not so bad in the spring when it's warm and the girls can run around, but right now those practices get cold. Yes, I know, stop complaining about the California cold. I know it does not compare to other parts of the nation that get pretty nasty, but this girl is a native Californian who has thin blood.  The rest of the moms and I would do just fine sitting on the sidelines wrapped in our Snuggies. Here is a picture of our little slugger who is on the Giants this year.

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