Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well, I am finally back to update the old blog. The kids are doing great in school. During Nick's teacher conference his teacher told me that she wanted him tested for the GATE program. Proud mom! Cassie is in a class with a GATE teacher who tells me that Cassie is very creative (which we knew) and that she is now reading at advanced 4th grade level and doing great in all subjects. Her teacher is challenging her in fun ways. Lily is loving Pre-K and wants to go to mommy school on the days she is not in Pre-K. I am teaching her how to read and do basic math skills. She is reading Dr. Suess books on her own now. We are so lucky and thankful that all our kids love to learn. Nick of course is in fall ball and will move into the regular season soon. Our lives continue to be on the field. Cassie is now a Brownie in Girl Scouts which I continue to lead. We were just in the Tustin Tiller Parade, which the girls just loved. We have a lot of fun things planned for them this holiday season. Lily now is trying to decide whether she wants to start soccer (please no) or dance. Mom justs wants one day to stay in bed and do nothing. I added a few random pics of the kids at our Halloween party (yes, they convinced me to have one; 50 people), Halloween, Nick's game and a few others.



That gear takes an engineer to put on. Nick filled in for the catcher when he was absent.  Nick is playing short stop, first base and pitcher this season. He loves being the pitcher. Coach had him the closer on a few games and he didn't disappoint.

Cassie picking her pumpkin at our Girl Scout fieldtrip.

What a face :)

Lily as a bumble bee at her school's Halloween carnival.

Nick as Davey Jones the ruthless pirate.

Well someone doesn't mind getting all messy. Just dig in!

Cassie's cute Hello Kitty pumpkin. Complete with a bow of course.

Mom could you please add some blood?

our cute little bumble bee!!

Is this what I get to look forward to when she is a teenager. She looks so much older in this pic. If you didn't guess her costume, it is a Monster High girl, which is a new type of doll.

Ready, Set, Trick or Treat!

Loving his favorite position. Strike em out big boy!

My girls at the Tustin Tiller Parade.

Soccer, dance or softball? I can't make my mind up.

Measuring at school.

Us at Lily's pumpkin patch field trip. Yes, another hot day. I dream of cold weather just once during pumpkin picking time.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to school

Well, summer was fun and fast. With all the camps and lessons it seemed like summer just flew by. As with all summers, we went in with a plan of what we were going to do and places we were going to visit. Of course, we come to the end of summer saying the same thing year after year, "how did summer go by so fast". And as usual, we did not even complete half of the things we wanted to do. So next year we can pretend and hope that we can actually get our wish list of things complete.

Today was the kid's first day of school. Yesterday they found out their teachers and both were happy with who they got. Cassie wanted Mrs. Kuskie and she got her. Nick wanted his first male teacher (there are 3 male and 1 female 4th grade teachers) but he got Mrs. Grainger. He was still happy because she comes highly recommended. Also, a bonus for Nick is that his 2 closest friends are in his class. He had them last year also, so that makes the transition nice. Cassie had the same 1st grade teacher as Nick and now she has the same 2nd grade teacher. That helps me, because I already know them when I start working in the classrooms.

Here are their pictures from this morning. I am so glad that my kids still enjoy school, a little nervous, but excited. I will post some summer pics soon.
4th grade here I come!

Cassie ready to get started.

Nick and his friend waiting for their desk assignment.

Already having to work.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Looking in the Mirror

Lily is always asking to see the photo album of my class pictures. She laughs and says she's like mommy. Well, when I finally paid attention to what photo was holding her attention and amusing her, I realized that she knew how close the resemblance is. Now, I know what she would look like with dark brown hair. But of course mommy knows that she is so much cuter!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Because

Just wanted to post these pics because it shows how Cassie is sprouting up. I look at her cute face and realize that she will soon be in second grade. What happened to my little girl?

Balboa Island

We enjoyed a nice girl's day out at Balboa Island when Nana was visiting. Nick was in baseball camp, so it was all shopping, tiaras and sweets.
Did I mention, that we saw Diane Keaton while we were there.

New Tiaras.

New Tiara, $7, smile......Priceless

I hope they are digging for gold.

Hmm, can I finish this huge hippo cookie? YES!

A little rest stop.

What is wrong with a little butter?

What is so funny? I think this looks delicious!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lily's Last Day of School

Lily's last day of school was on Thursday and she wanted to wear a pretty dress and put her hair in pigtails. She never lets me do her hair with braids, clips, pigs tails or anything. If I do they are out in minutes. Lily's look is hair in the face all messed up and that's how she likes it. But, today she said that she would keep the pigtails in because Cassie says she will look cute and for me to take a picture so that I can show Cassie when she gets home. Lily was loaded up with goodies to give to her teacher, plus an extra bag of goodies for her husband Pastor Chris. After all they are his favorites.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The End of School Year

Only 7 more days left of school. Last year around this time and all through summer we had mild temps. I was hoping for the same this year and my wish came true. Usually around the last 2 weeks of school the kids are bright pink and miserably whinny from the heat. Just leaving the car for 10 minutes to pick the kids up would make the car a miserable 97 degrees or higher. That made a fun ride home. Well not this year again. We have beautiful temps in the 70's and the kids are really enjoying their end of the year activities. Today I worked in Cassie's classroom and helped take down all the kids projects and get things organized for her teacher. This left me a little sad, knowing once again that the kids are leaving their friends for awhile, and the teachers they adore and the fact they are getting older. On the other hand I need a break from the daily routine and am excited to be able to just stay home for awhile soon. That dream might burst too, once the summer activities get going. Well, a girl can dream can't she? Here are a few pics I took today of Lily skating (or at least thinking she is) after I picked her up from her water day at preschool. The other ones of Cassie, I just added also, because they are just so cute. Enjoy your day!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Bubble Lady

Tonight we headed over to Lily's pre-school for a Dad and Me event. (I tagged along as official photographer). Nick and Cassie got to tag along also and were treated to some arts and crafts, a bubble show and of course build your own ice cream at the end. The highlight of course was being put inside the bubble. Nick playing it cool as always, Cassie the perfect little model never breaking the "strike the pose", and then Lily with her "I'm not so sure" to her loving it. I just love all the events, picnics and open houses at the end of the year, it really lets them celebrate all that they have achieved and have some fun.

Here we go.

If I open my eyes, will the bubble pop?

Do I need to lean with the bubble or it might pop?

I know, I'll just stand perfectly still!

Wow! that is one big bubble!